This website uses cookies for analytics and personalization. • Links will be added to the “WATCH LIVE!” section. It's FREE! Indem du auf Registrieren klickst, bestätigst du, dass du. Logo Name Website Facebook Twitter YouTube WATCH LIVE! - Chinese, Section 4, 14th Floor, Hsiao West Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Get the live Sign up to leave a comment and share your thoughts with other listeners. This simple schedule provides the showtime of upcoming and past programs playing on the network ETTV News otherwise known as ETNEW. EBC News (pinyin: Dōngsēn Xīnwén Tái) is a satellite cable news channel operated by Eastern Broadcasting Company in Taiwan. Hören Tweet Info; Contact Data; Nachrichten 71 tune ins Taipei - Taiwan - Chinese. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Ettv. Registrieren, Mit Facebook verknüpfen It also broadcasts in English at specific times by Mike Chinoy. It offers the latest Dongsen News The It aims to provide a 24-hour comprehensive news vision with the goal of pursuing news speed, news depth, news coverage and news height. It also broadcasts in English at specific times by Mike Chinoy. Forgot your username or ETTV America (Chinese: 美國東森電視) is a Chinese-language news/business broadcasting channel in the Americas that is operated by ETTV, a Taiwanese subsidiary of parent company Eastern Television. EBC News (pinyin: Dōngsēn Xīnwén Tái) is a satellite cable news channel operated by Eastern Television in Taiwan. Click the program details to see local timezone information. ETTV News (Chinese: 東森新聞台, Pinyin: Dōngsēn xīnwén tái) is a satellite cable news channel operated by Eastern Television in Taiwan.It was a free-to-air studios television launched on 1 January 1990. It started broadcasting in 1994. 71 Views. It was another presenter news for Donald MacCormick. Hadir di tv berbayar : Program Acara ; Video List ; Screenshot ; Program acara belum tersedia. CTi Entertainment. ETTV News America ist ein 24 Stunden Nachrichtenkanal mit Dokumentationen in Mandarin. News Taipei, Taiwan. Position - position of satellites on orbit. ETTV News (東森新聞) is a cable television channel in Taipei, Taiwan, providing News shows. That said, the trouble at ETTV is bigger than just the bots. It was a holder channel for BBC News.It was another presenter news for Donald MacCormick.. ETTV Asia News 真實更真實,觸動感動每一刻。最大量的影音新聞平台,快速,深入,完整,提供24小時全方位的新聞視野,如您親臨。人們的故事,人們的聲音,東森新聞,無所不在。 An error happened posting the review, sorry! ETTV News: Satellite TV from Taiwan: Apstar 7: Position: 76.5°E: Frequency: 12604 V (Ku band) 30000 3/4: FTA: ETTV News: Satellite TV from Taiwan: Anik F3: Position: 118.8°W: Frequency: 11715 R (Ku band) 20000 3/4: Nagravision 3: Channel - satellite TV, Radio channel. 東森電視事業股份有限公司 10041 台北市忠孝西路一段4號14樓|節目表傳真專線:02-2388-5846|, 地牛翻身!今(26)日早上8時28分,高雄市大寮發生規模4.2地震,深度34公里,而各地最大規模,高雄3級、屏東、台南2級。, 美國警方指出,田納西州納希維爾市(Nashville)今天發生似是蓄意策劃爆炸事件,由於爆炸威力強大,建物窗戶玻璃被震碎,至少3人受傷。, 美國職籃NBA波士頓塞爾蒂克今天宣布,在效力於塞爾蒂克並擔任總教練期間贏得12座NBA總冠軍的瓊斯(KC Jones)辭世,享壽88歲。, 美國職籃NBA今天上演5場耶誕大戰,其中一場由密爾瓦基公鹿與金州勇士交手,公鹿在投籃與三分準頭均遠優於對手的情況下,以138比99的懸殊比數大勝,第一次在主場耶誕賽事贏得勝利。, 「最高行政法院」現任院長藍獻林即將年滿70歲,總統25日依法准其退職,並特任最高行政法院庭長吳明鴻接任,人事令定31日生效,而吳明鴻正是總統蔡英文的表姐夫。, 多數人對於意外之財的形容是「從天而降」 ,對一名比利時的工人來說,卻是可能是深藏在地底下。綜合外媒報導,一名比利時的工人在布魯塞爾市區進行施工作業,就在修下水道時,竟意外發現了兩根金條。按照當地法律,只要這些金條非不法所得,也沒有在六個月內找到原失主,就將歸該名工人所有。, 日本首相菅義偉上任已三個月,但至今仍未搬進首相官邸居住。由於日本首相官邸曾有鬧鬼傳說,因此菅義偉遲遲不遷入首相官邸的舉動,格外引發外界關注。, 今年因受疫情影響,重創經濟,也導致失業率節節攀升,為此美國政府不只一次發出各種救濟金,但在疫情遲遲無法控制的情況下,政府只能瘋狂印鈔應急,這也導致目前美國的債務持續膨脹,總額已高達27兆美元。, 由於英國傳出傳染力更強的變種新冠病毒,導致鄰近各國紛紛對英國下禁令,限制來自英國的人車入境。突如其來的禁令讓許多民眾反應不及,在英國通往法國邊境口岸的多佛港,就有大批貨運卡車被迫在當地滯留多日,司機連日來只能睡在車上,飲食起居也大為不便,叫苦連天。, 2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)疫情蔓延全球,世界衛生組織(WHO)秘書長譚德塞今天發表耶誕感言表示,疫情期間為保護民眾所做出的犧牲,不應被白白糟蹋。. Visit the Station's website Facebook. It was a holder channel for BBC News.It was another presenter news for Donald MacCormick.. ETTV Asia News Aufgrund der übermässige Werbungen, ist eine gute Chance zu hoffen, dass ETTV News America FTA bleibt. Sign up with Google. It was a free-to-air studios television launched on 1 January 1990. It was a free-to-air studios television launched on 1 January 1990. Mit Facebook verknüpfen Online zu sehen auf Taiwan TV-Sender wie TTV, ETTV News, CTi Entertainment, HiChannel, NextTV und viele mehr. External links (Chinese) ETTV News … It also broadcasts in English at specific times by Mike Chinoy. It was a free-to-air studios television launched on 1 January 1990. It was a holder channel for BBC News. EBC News (channel 51) is a free to air News TV channel.